Auto create HubSpot properties from a CSV

Written by Fred Lumiere | Sep 18, 2024 5:11:03 PM

How to auto-create HubSpot properties (contact, deal or company) using this free import automation built on APIANT.

Target Audience: HubSpot Admin


First you'll need an APIANT account...


Then copy and edit this Google sheet

Here's the link to the Google sheet.

Add as many rows as you like.

Choose the HubSpot object you'd like to create the properties for:

  • Contact
  • Deal
  • Company

Give it a property group name

 You can always list a property and choose "No" to create custom property in HubSpot to ignore it for now.

Choose the display name, api name

Select the property type from the drop-down:

  • Date picker
  • Date time
  • Dropdown select
  • Multi-line text
  • Multi-select
  • Number field
  • Single line text
  • Single on/off checkbox
  • HubSpot native

And finally enter your property description

Once you've entered all your rows (one per property), download the sheet as a CSV:

Install the template automation in your APIANT account

Here's the link to the template called Create HubSpot custom properties from CSV 

Once installed, connect a HubSpot Hub from the menu


Choose System's Public App, and login the Hub



Turn on the automation



Press play button for the automation since this is a Form App based trigger



Click to upload your CSV

Your properties will auto-create and a report will generate.

Feel free to edit the automation as you see fit (could you even add values to drop-downs and multi selects).

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