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Jen Haubrich6 min read

5 Ways Integrating Mindbody and HubSpot Can Reduce Churn

Unforeseen circumstances can lead to customer churn, but there are proactive steps you can take to prevent it. By integrating Mindbody and HubSpot, you can effectively reduce churn and keep your clients engaged and loyal.

Some causes of churn are out of your control. One of your most devoted yoga students decides to spend a year off the grid in Bhutan. A spin class regular takes off on a cross country bike trip. Your regular botox client starts dating a plastic surgeon who gives her free injectables. 

People also move, experience economic hardship, and change their interests and priorities after big life events. These things can all contribute to churn in your business.

But these aren’t the kinds of churn you should lie in bed at night thinking about.

Integrating Mindbody and HubSpot can help you reduce churn  

Instead of wasting time worrying about these kinds of scenarios, you should focus on the things you can do to prevent churn:

  • Help your customers achieve their goals
  • Help your customers feel supported and valued with great customer service
  • Help your customers see, feel, and appreciate the value of your products and services
  • Help your customers realize there’s no other business that can serve them better than yours can

When these things don’t happen, all your customers are at a risk of churning. That’s because among the most common reasons people stop showing up and stop being your customers are:

  • They aren’t achieving the goals they hoped your products or services would help them to
  • They aren’t getting adequate support and not feeling valued as a customer
  • They aren’t seeing, feeling, and appreciating the value of your products and services
  • They think one of your competitors can do any of these things better than you do!

The good news about these causes of churn is that there are clear and demonstrable ways you can make sure these things don’t happen. 

A complete Mindbody and HubSpot integration like CRMConnect can help.

5 Reasons Integrating Your Mindbody and HubSpot Accounts Can Help You Reduce Churn 

Man doing a curl with dumbell with a woman behind him

1. You always know when each client last visited

When Mindbody data is visible in HubSpot you can easily see the date each customer last visited. It’s not only possible, but easy, to know how to reach out to them next and about what. You can use these visit dates as triggers to include customers in sequences you’ve set up in HubSpot. 

For example:

If they just finished an intermediate level class, let them know about both the intermediate and the advanced class options available next session to help keep them challenged and motivated. 

If they have a history of facial appointments, but haven’t been in for a facial for over 60 days you can invite them to make their next appointment. 

If you want to keep all your customers as regulars, it helps to include them in sequences to encourage them to come back again for the services or classes they enjoy most when they haven’t been in for a while.

2. You always know what each client has booked next

It’s important to be able to see who’s coming in soon, and who isn’t, so you can react to each scenario accordingly.  These clients need different kinds of communication. 

You don’t want to invite a client to book their next massage if they already have one scheduled next Friday. But if they got 6 massages last year and haven’t been at all yet this year, you will want to send them a special offer to entice them back. 

In an ideal world, all of your customers would have a future appointment booked with you at all times. When you have a clear view of all your clients’ future bookings, you can take the steps needed to work toward that goal by automating the communication to invite them to make the right next appointment, at the right time.

Black woman getting a head massage at a spa

3. You always know what active services each client still hasn’t used

When a customer buys a package or a series of services, it’s important to track their use of the appointments or sessions. This way you know how many are left and when they are scheduled to use the last one.

The day or week of the last appointment or session is the perfect time to send a customer a limited time offer to buy a new series or package to receive a discount or bonus. There’s nothing better for your customer than keeping a good thing going at a great price or receiving a surprise gift. And there’s nothing better for you than keeping your customer happily coming back for more. 

If you don’t track when series or packages end, then you run the risk of the client walking out the door and taking months to come back. Or sometimes not coming back at all. 

On the other end of the spectrum, if you have a customer who has purchased a series of microdermabrasion appointments, but only used one, you can send a reminder and encourage them to schedule their next one. You could even put them into an email sequence whose third email offers them a chance to apply their credit to another service if they did not find microdermabrasion was something they wanted anymore.

This is the kind of customer service that doesn’t just prevent churn, it can earn you a lifelong loyal customer!

4. You can send relevant, timely messaging to each client

When your Mindbody and HubSpot accounts are fully integrated you can set up a sequence to send emails notifying your clients when their memberships or contracts are expiring to invite them to renew. You can also automate communication to congratulate them on completing their 100th class, to wish them happy birthday, or for any other reason you want!

Keeping track of all these dates and statistics yourself would be impossible with everything else you have to do to run your business. Or it would cost you a lot to pay someone to do it for you. 

But when you set up sequences in HubSpot using data you gather in Mindbody as triggers for these types of notifications, you don’t have to do either of these things. Once these types of sequences are set up you can feel confident they’ll provide every one of your customers with relevant, timely messaging customized to their situation.

Below view of happy athletic woman entering in a gym

5. It’s easy for you to keep your business top of your clients’ minds (in the best possible way)

Keeping your business at the top of your clients’ minds is not about sending loads of text messages and emails. Overdoing it on quantity without thoughtfully considering how they’re likely to perceive the content could lead to unsubscribes and increase churn. That’s the opposite of what you want! 

You stay top of mind by sharing relevant, helpful and interesting communications with your customers – whatever their interests are among your business’ offerings. When your Mindbody and HubSpot accounts are integrated and HubSpot has full visibility of your customer’s Mindbody activity it becomes possible for you to do this. 

You can send your prenatal yoga class attendees different materials than your hot yoga participants. And both groups will feel cared for and interested in what you share with them, and like your offerings were designed with them in mind.

Are you interested in reducing churn – and preventing it by integrating Mindbody and HubSpot?

When a client keeps your business in mind, believes your products and services suit them well, and are regularly encouraged to return for me, they will be less likely to leave.

Even better, when they feel your business offers great service and support and is integral to helping them reach their goals, it’ll be easier for them to appreciate your products and services and remain loyal clients. 

Integrating your Mindbody and HubSpot accounts help reduce churn by making all of this more likely – and can help lead to happier, more satisfied clients who can’t wait to visit again.

You can do all this, and much more with CRMConnect. 

Want to find out how it can help your business grow? Schedule your free demo today.


Jen Haubrich

Content Writer, Essayist